It was not snowing. But sunny and clear . Cold but good for running. They changed the course to avoid mud and snow stubbornly still lying on the ground. So more inclines on this course. I wasn’t feeling up to it on Sunday but was willing to give it a try. The warm up didn’t feel good and when on the line I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE AN UP HILL BATTLE.
However I must have been doing ok as on the 5km mark I was on track…20.20 great! I thought I’ll do a 41m. Nah By the 3rd lap I was hurting bad and my heart rate was sky high. I averaged 177bpm oh oh -anaeobic city. So I pushed myself to go for it but my legs didn’t respond . Seeing a girl who was about the same speed on the last 2k I put my arm on hers and we helped each other to the end, pushing each other on. I had finished in pain and 43.31 was my time , last year was 42.50 but that was with 2 extra months worth of training. I was a little gutted as I wanted to do a better time. Never mind, will be back on the running track tonight with the big boys and girls ..tagging behind them as usual. Will I ever grow up to be be a fast runner??