Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Asian/Australia Tour 2013: 7 races in 9 weeks.

I am almost home after an epic month tour around the remotest places on earth! What a priviledge and pleasure it was to be able to race in such amazing places, from Cebu in The Philippines, to Saipan in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and onto Guam the next island along. I originally booked […]

My First ever 70.3!! Lanzarote Half Ironman race and another win.

After  4 years in the sport  of Triathlon I finally took a deep breath and entered a long distance event (for me) at last. I started my Triathlon ‘career’ in 2008 and never looked back, only ever  forward as I loved the sport so much , however shied away from the longer events such as […]