What a venue. What a day! The afternoon sun beat down on us in the late 80 degrees’s.
All briefed up with awash with ITU rules; no race belt, uniforms of country at all times to be worn, no loose tempers, no un sportsmanship, , no aggresive overtaking, no wetsuits/swim skins. No tattoos (bar the XTERRA ones) no compression tights in the swim. It was all of shock to us XTERRA’s as we were unused to so many rules…racing is so laid back in comparison, but we did our best. the first few days in “bama were fun if not a little isolated, staying in a lodge on the Oak moutain park site. a beautiful 38 acres of land which housed the civil war in its time. So steeped with history ..and many four legged friends too. The evening frog chorus was mad, singing and churping their hearts out every evening, took mating calls to another level. We saw racoons (who managed to take the lid off the bin and sift through all sorts of waste to get to what they wanted) Armadillos, fire flies, dragon flies, deers, possums to name a few wild animlas living around us.
It was a perfect place for my pre race prep as the lake and venue was only a couple of miles away inside the park. The venue was suprerb the best I have experiences so far in XTERRA. The lake a smooth easy swim in 25 degree water and flat as a pancake. So too was the three lap bike course, good for 29 ‘ers and mtb ers . I had/am neither…
I thought the run was great no hills to speak of just 2 laps of off road trails that partly took in the bike route with twists and turns with tree roots and sharp turns.
I felt pretty good leading up to the day. It did however progessively get hotter as the days went on and by Saturday it was very warm and humid. We did in fact do most of the race in the wood s so kept pretty cool. I managed to buy a small camel back (the only the bike shop had was a child’s bright pink one) Ah well ever professional…
Once we were checked and photographed in our uniforms. ?? And given another briefing.
There were 23 elite girls and 25 elite men. We were first on the line at 1.30pm then the boys 4 pm. it was a friendly and we went off no problems smooth and so nice to not be swam over, knocked, punched, kicked etc, Out of the water 750 m loop and a quick run between, Shonny just in front as we ran together diving in again and I sped off trying a negative split. The swim felt good as my arm was feeling comfortable without a wetsuit. Out of the water in 24.43 better than the last race so getting there. 10th out of the water, . By the time I hit the tracks Shonny was on me and gone with dust flying in the air, fast as ..then Danieelee Kabush and a until the second lap where 2 more overtook, after that 29′er after 29′ er . My place dropping all the while. 8 bikes in all overtook me on the single track very politely but overtook all the same.
Then my mate Caroline caught me at the end of the last lap we rode togther to T2 and I got out of the run in front only to be overtaken promptly. Faded quickly my legs were shot with trying to keep up with the fast girls.
I was in 18th now and nearing last position.. I got 17th in the end as I passed a girl on the run. I found that the 29′er is KING in USA racing.
I look back at Alabama with a smile, I had a lovely time there and people were very freindly and welcoming , the venue was amazing. It was lovely to be in the warm and everything was so easy.
Reflections on the race as I return my swim was good and improving, bike I need to some tecjh skills and a 29′er and some serious training months next year I”l be stronger and faster…thanks again to the lovely sponsors. Clif, Bikebox alan, blue seventy wetsuits who kindly send me a swim skin and sleeveless wetsuit in USA Big thanks Suunto, Craft, shock absorber and Cannonade.
Special thanks to my MUM for coming all the way to support me. She is amazing at 76!
Thanks also to Monique for her continued support.